Born in Vernon, IN, son of Edwin James Vawter (1848 – 1914) and Laura Dixon Vawter (1851 - 1886), E.J. Vawter, Jr. comes to CA with his parents in 1875. After his mother's death, he lives for a time with his grandfather, W.D. Vawter (1815 – 1894). In 1888, he enters the University of California at Berkeley, but suffering an attack of typhoid fever, does not complete the course. In 1889, he takes a position with the First National Bank of Santa Monica - which the Vawters control. Following the re-organization of that bank in 1893, he takes positions in various Santa Monica banks. In 1905, he is vice president of the First National Bank of Ocean Park, and president from 1907 till his death in 1926. E.J. Vawter, Jr. marries Bessie Channell Vawter (1874 - 1945) in 1899 and they have two children, Marjorie Dixon Vawter Pollock (1903 - 1987) and Helen Edwina Vawter Dealey Lindstrom (1907 - 1956). The E.J. Vawter, Jr. house is located at 3115 4th St in Ocean Park (replaced by apartment building in 1972).
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